gems lightspeed ™ ct scanner- dfss

industry: healthcare

FOCUS: GEMS LightSpeed ™ CT Scanner – DFSS


For a new line of CT Scanners, General Electric identified the key customer requirements (CTQ) as; Image quality, Speed, Software reliability, and Patient comfort. To achieve all of these requirements would require leading-edge technology and a discipline DFSS (Design For Six Sigma) approach.


The design team implemented a disciplined DFSS IDOV systems approach. 90 system CTQs were carefully gathered via VOC activities, identified and translated into specifications. 33 Six Sigma DMAIC or DFSS projects and studies were commissioned.  Rigorous system and parts scorecards were used to track progress and roll-up capabilities.  As the projects evolved, the team utilized various robust design tools and developed:
– The world’s first 16-row CT detector.
– Multi-slice data acquisition process and software.
– A 64-bit RISC computer architecture.
– Long-life Performix™ tube.
Typically, DFSS has provided at least a one sigma gain in quality at launch over previous designs. This is a major improvement over other methodologies. Additionally, DFSS conservatively decreases time to market by at least 25%. A more typically seen reduction in time to market is 25%-40%. Cost savings due to total resources utilized, which is highly correlated to time, is in the 20%-40% range.


The results of the DFSS efforts yielded; Better image quality for earlier & more reliable diagnoses, Much faster scanning, Clinical productivity up 50%, 10x improvement in software reliability, Patient comfort improved with shorter exam time, Development time shortened by 2 years, Higher market share and significant profit margins.

*Additional details are available for the General Electric CT Scanner projects. Please contact Air Academy Associates for additional details.


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