soft water usage in oil reclamation

industry: energy and transportation

FOCUS: Soft water usage in oil reclamation


A major oil exploration and drilling company was experiencing problem with soft water usage by steam generators in their oil reclamation processes.


A process improvement team was commissioned to look at the oil reclamation process, map out the existing process, established appropriate measures and recommend changes. They identified factors that impacted the soft water usage and implemented changes resulting in the following benefits:
– The CGS was reduced by 65% through proper chemical mixture.
– Soft water production was increased by 30,000 barrels per day.
– Significantly increased oil reclamation.


Significant annualized ROI benefits were realized, including $1,000,000 from chemical savings and $18,900,000 from increased oil production.

* Due to nondisclosure agreements, the organization referenced in this example cannot be disclosed.

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